Tourist visas |
Is necessary to have a valid passport. For countries like Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia, only requires the identification document. |
Referent Time |
Winter schedule (-4h. /GMT)
Language |
The official language is Castilian (Spanish). In the Araucania you can hear the Mapudungun, the language spoken by Mapuche, people originating from the region. |
Electricity |
The electricity is 220 volts/50Hz. Is common use of the three-pin plugs and the light bulbs are screw. |
Bank, Money exchange houses and Credit Card |
The official currency in Chile is the Chilean pesos.
You can change foreign currency (U.S. $ and €) in hotels, banks and exchange houses authorized. |
Health and Formalities health |
Health conditions in Pucón are good. The clean water can be consumed without problem, but as precaution take bottled water. |
Phones and Internet |
Pay phones accept coins and phone cards that are sold in kiosks and supermarkets. You can make collect calls from some public booths. In Pucón there are approximately 4 call centers. To call Pucón city is required internal area code +45 to dial in. Emergency telephones: The cellular telephony has wide coverage. |
Weather |
The Pucón city has a Mediterranean climate. The average temperatures in summer are 7°C min. and 24°C max. In winter -2°C min. and 12ºC Max. |
Transport, taxis and |
In Pucón are frequent use provincial buses, taxis (without taximeter) and collectives, besides there are buses, tourist buses. To rent a car is required to be 22 years old, to have international driver license and also is require credit card. Ask in the rent a car agency if you can leave the country with the car and return it elsewhere In Chile, the driving is by the right sector, with lights on between cities. The maximum speed of 120 km / h on highway and 50 kph in town. |
Security |
Pucón is a very safe city for travelers. Whenever there are exceptions but if you take basic precautions and use common sense, would have no problem. As a precaution leave your valuables in the safe of his hotel. |
Not Forgetting |
Visits |