Ski center (Rt)
Season: All the year, depending on weather conditions
Distance: 14 Kms (From Pucè´¸n)
Duration of trip: 40 minutes
Minimum: The activity will be done with a minimum 2 person
Temuco Airport - Pucon (Rt)
Temuco Airport - Pucè´¸n (Rt)
Season: All the year
Distance: 110 Kms (Ow)
Duration of trip: 2 hours
Minimum: The activity will be done with a minimum 2 personSeason: All
the year
Pucon airport or bus station - Pucon (Rt)
Season: All the year
Distance: 5 Kms
Duration: 10 minutes
Minimum: The activity will be done with a minimum 2 person